Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why do my nails feel sensitive and very dry feeling like cracked ground without polish? It is hard to describe

Also they are brittle and chip easily. Until they get over the edge of the finger. but they still break sometimes. This is the best way to describe the feeling of my nails w/o polish.

Thanks for answering.Why do my nails feel sensitive and very dry feeling like cracked ground without polish? It is hard to describe
have u seen a dermatologist- your body is lacking nutrients- drink more water- also eat more fruits in vegetables- water is the key-

also did you know- putting your nails in warm water helps your nails grow- not to mention it helps your nails retain moisture- also if you put lotion on your hands- even around your nails it can help-

if that doesn't work i recommend you see a dermatologist- you could have a nail fungus-

also i recommend you paint your nails clear- and not some color- if your nails are particularly sensitive-

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